Verse Recitation
Campers are required to recite a daily verse with no more than two helps (a help if 2-3 words). Remember that you are also required to recite the reference. Starting Sunday, there is a verse required for each day, so it's a good idea to study them before coming to camp. Verses may be recited from the New International Version (1984 Version), English Standard Version, New King James Version, or King James Version.
What to Pack
- Pillow, sheets, and a blanket (sleeping bags also work well)
- Bible, notebook, and pens/pencils
- Bath towel and pool towel
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc.)
- Sunscreen and a water bottle with the camper's name on it
- Enough clothes for a week (see dress code below) with plenty of extra shirts and underwear. Keep in mind that we play athletic games once or twice per day, so make sure to include some athletic clothing that would be good for playing sports.
- Dress clothes for the Friday night banquet. This can be as simple as a nice shirt and jeans, but many kids dress up a bit more.
- Laundry bag for dirty clothes
- Swimsuit (see dress code below)
- Several pairs of shoes. Closed-toe sneakers for game time are necessary, as well as a pair of closed-toe water shoes or an extra pair of old sneakers for water games.
- Spending money for the snack shop, craft shop, or missions offering (preferably in small bills). We suggest around $20-25 for the snack shop, plus extra if your camper may go to the craft shop or want to donate to our missions offering. Donations received are given to other ministries such as Camp Tohiglo.
- You can also bring your own snack food, but it has to be kept in the snack shop and not in the cabin. Any snacks sent to a camper in a package also needs to be stored in the snack shop.
Optional Items
Here is a list of some extra items that can be nice to bring if you can.
- Drawstring bag or backpack to carry your Bible, notebook, and water bottle around camp.
- Camera (can be digital, but cell phones are not allowed). Keep in mind that every camper will receive a link to all the pictures taken by our camp photographer throughout the week.
- Instruments and sheet music if you want to perform during the Friday night banquet.
- Bike (can be ridden around during afternoon free time only)
- Bug spray. This is mainly useful for the Archery or Rifle Ranges in the woods.
- Paper, envelopes, and stamps if your camper wants to write letters home.
- During high school week (week 2), we sometimes play games in the mud. So a set of clothes that could get stained or that you don't mind throwing out afterwards is a good idea.
- If you have prescription medication, it must be turned in to the camp nurse at be kept in the cabin. Please keep medication in the original container.
Do Not Bring
- Cell Phones. We're serious about this. Please leave them with your parents or give them to your counselor and we'll store them in the camp office for the week. Our phones are wonderful tools, but we have found that getting some space from technology and friends at home helps our campers focus on the relationships and experiences here at camp.
- Other electronics like gaming devices, tablets, internet connected watches, etc.
- Weapons or explosives of any kind.
- Tobacco, any type of e-cigarette, alcohol, or illegal substance.
Dress Code
At camp, one of our goals is to reduce distractions so the campers can focus on their relationship with the Lord and with each other. This is one of the reasons we don't allow cell phones and other electronics at camp. Electronics are not sinful, but they distract us with notifications or texts from friends back home. In a similar way, we want to minimize the distractions that certain clothing can bring; distractions like comparison, immodesty, and excessive attention to personal appearance. We know that no set of guidelines can capture the heart of that, so we ask parents to please discuss this with your child before camp and assist them as they choose what to pack for camp. Keep in mind that camp is a fun, active environment where t-shirt and loose athletic shorts are the recommended attire for the week.
Here are our dress code guidelines:
- Shorts must reach to at least mid-thigh when standing.
- When wearing tight-fitting shorts or leggings, then a shirt must be worn that covers the camper's backside.
- Shirts must have sleeves. Shirts worn during game time should be an appropriate length/fit to cover the midriff and chest during game activities.
- Banquet dresses can be tank-top style, but not spaghetti strap or strapless; length should reach to at least mid-thigh.
- Girls' swimsuits can be either one-piece or tankinis provided they cover the midriff.
Daily Schedule
Every day at camp is filled with activity. It can be helpful for new campers to have an idea of what a typical day looks like at camp. You can download a copy of the daily schedule by clicking the link below.